Quilt Pattern Barn - No Fishing

Cooks Run Barn_Wide

Cooks Mill Wheel

Quilt Pattern Barn with Clouds_BW

Indian Creek Barn

River View Church

Rock Camp General Store

Cook's Mill - West Virginia

Indian Creek Covered Bridge

Hanging Rock Raptor Observatory

Hokes Mill Bridge 2

Hokes Mill Bridge

Past the point of no return

Indian Creek Bridge 2 - West Virginia

Laurel Creek Bridge - West Virginia

Above the ridge

Hanging Rock panorama

View Southeast from Greenville, WV

View from Confederate Monument, Monroe County, WV

10/22/2016 So I drove to here from Salem, VA not knowing I would end up in West Virginia. From the Hanging Rock Allegheny trail parking lot it's about a mile of fairly easy climb to the top. The views are just spectacular up there. The observatory is open

10/22/2016 One of the views to the NE from Hanging Rock Observatory #hangingrock #wv #westvirginia #wvwildandwonderful #waitevillewv #alleghenytrail #raptorobservatory #hangingrockobservatory #fall2016 #wvfall #explorewv #lovewv #visitwv #instafotoameric

Mill and Daffodil

Mill, Irises and Clouds

Wolf Creek Church_BW

Greenville Farm_BW

Quilt Barn_BW

Greenville Farm

Barn on Cook's Run

Farmhouse on Flat Mountain (1 of 2)

Farm on Cook's Run_BW

West Virginia Farm_BW

Old Mansion in Union, WV

2013.11.08.27 West Virginia

2013.11.08.20 West Virginia

Hanging Rock Stair Trails

Farmhouse on Flat Mountain (2 of 2)

Hiking at dawn