Return To The Past

The End Of A Successful Day

An American Stonehenge

Then and Now, John Day Dam, Columbia River

Maryhill Morning


Stone Clock

Ring of Standing Stones

Bottoms up!

White Wind Turbines Dotting a Hillside

DSC00179 (4) Cemetery View

Deschutes River Valley

Stonehenge Morning Light

View from Stonehenge

the columbia river

Piece of the past

maryhill24 Maryhill WA Sunrise 2000

View from our motel room

Columbia Gorge from Maryhil

Mt Adams

Mount Adams from Klickitat Valley DSC_3003

A don't-want-to-go-anywhere Sunday.

John Day Damm, Washington


1998-09-17 1145 BN 6786 Maryhill, WA

2012-08-08__IMG9875 2 images


Twilight at Maryhill

Columbia River Grainer


Climbing The Grade At Moody

King Coal

Zipping Through the Gorge

UP 2630

UP 3445 East at Rufus, OR

Columbia Gorge Highway ~ Oregon HWY 84 and 30

Canadian Potash

Wild Horses ~ Washington State ~ USA

US 97 bridge.

Spring Clouds and Hills, Wasco, OR