Mt Hood in twilight's pink glow

A Bizarre Scene, Mt. Adams Behind Desert, US-97, WA

Then and Now, John Day Dam, Columbia River

Piece of the past

Goldendale Observatory

Mt Adams

Winter Stream

View from Goldendale Observatory

Fresh curves

Mount Adams from Klickitat Valley DSC_3003

Viewing portal

The windmills came over the horizon

View from our motel room

East Z

WA_13103_wind mills

WA_13098_scenic view

IMG_1321 Lewis Woodpecker

Mount Rainer

Scenic views

visible from this viewpoint

Our front yard.

UP 3445 East at Rufus, OR

Red barn and Mount Adams

Abandoned House, Goldendale, Washington

John Day Damm, Washington

Eastbound Garbage Train

Eastbound Garbage Train

Eastbound Garbage Train

Mt St Helens

Mount Hood from Goldendale

Abandoned in Klickitat County

mount adams

Windy Point/Windy Flats

Possibly a Haunted House

"You got your 'dales' mixed up!"