
Where the Hood at?

Perseids at Maryhill Stonehenge

Then and Now, John Day Dam, Columbia River

View from Empire builder @ Columbia River Gorge

Visible Storage, Mayhill Museum of Art 6/14/2013

Golden Hillside

Maryhill Morning

White Wind Turbines Dotting a Hillside

Ring of Standing Stones

Mt Hood in twilight's pink glow

An American Stonehenge

Columbia Gorge from Maryhill # 2

Stone Clock

Stonehenge Morning Light

Maryhill-Columbus Cemetery

Mary Hill Stonehendge

The End Of A Successful Day

the view

Columbia Gorge from Maryhil

A Bizarre Scene, Mt. Adams Behind Desert, US-97, WA

Sounds of Silence

UP 3445 East at Rufus, OR

1998-09-17 1145 BN 6786 Maryhill, WA

Grain and Stonehenge

Washington SR 14, Eastern Columbia Gorge

Clouds, Train, and Gain Elevator, Biggs Junction

Spring Sunset and Columbia River, Rufus, OR

Possibly a Haunted House

Sunrise on the Columbia River

Stonehenge at midnight in color infrared, Washington.

Columbia River Grainer

Red barn and Mount Adams

Stonehenge at Night (Columbia Gorge, WA)

Mount Hood from Goldendale

Union Pacific K Line stacks head for the west coast along the Columbia River near Biggs Oregon 15.09.2005

Ranch on Dalles Mountain