The End of the Rainbow

Aves Ⓣ Spek


sun burst


Partly Sunny

Rainbow over the Bypass

Big Rivers Robert A. Reid Station & Robert D. Green Station

Here Comes the Sun

Rainbow & a Downpour

Sunset on the Bypass

civ - gore b - stare

A Scary Site if Your in the SUV....;-)

Atomik - Dtek

rainbow out of the clouds

Break ASP

Shaq (shak)

A Scary Site if Your the One Sitting in the SUV

galaxe "Life Is Good When Your On Cloud 9"

Learn - Lack - Alka - Jume

kink - merk

Barn on a Hill

CSX Q026, Breton,KY 12/17/2013

CSX Q588, Breton,KY 1/19/2013