Big Rivers Robert A. Reid Station & Robert D. Green Station

CSX Q515, Elmwood Curve, Slaughters,KY 12/17/2013

CSX Q026, Breton,KY 12/17/2013

CSX Q028, Elmwood Curve, Slaughters,KY 12/18/2013

CSX Q124, Elmwood Curve, Slaughters,KY 12/18/2013

Barn on a Hill

CSXT Q515, Elmwood, KY

CSX Q588, Breton,KY 1/19/2013

Buried in Corn

Kindergarten Field Trip to Cates Farm

My Dog Snoop


Pastor Bob and Me

Bob and Violet

Post Office 42456 (Slaughters, Kentucky)

CSX T084, Robards,KY 12/18/2013

CSX Q029, Breton,KY 12/18/2013

Horses blow bubbles, too

Lurking Beast? IMG_1667