civ - gore b - stare
Big Rivers Robert A. Reid Station & Robert D. Green Station
Shaq (shak)
Into the Kentucky wilderness
CSX Q588, Breton,KY 1/19/2013
CSX Q026, Breton,KY 12/17/2013
Into the Kentucky Jungle
Barn on a Hill
Pastor Bob and Me
Bob and Violet
A Deep Drive...
Post Office 42409 (Dixon, Kentucky)
County Named, 1860 Marker (Dixon, Kentucky)
Downtown Dixon, Kentucky
Webster County Courthouse (Dixon, Kentucky)
Webster County Courthouse (Dixon, Kentucky)
Webster County Courthouse (Dixon, Kentucky)
Webster County Courthouse and Judicial Center (Dixon, Kentucky)
Webster County Courthouse and Judicial Center (Dixon, Kentucky)
CSX T084, Robards,KY 12/18/2013
CSX Q029, Breton,KY 12/18/2013
Horses blow bubbles, too
Throwing grass
Methodist Church
Overview of the Webster County Court house