Mountain Bluebird(Sialia currucoides): Narcissus

US-395 South - Milepost 2D

US-395 South - Distance Marker

Chickahomony Sunset

U.S. 395 Between Lakeview and Burns, Oregon

U.S. Highway 395 and U.S. Highway 20 Near Burns, Oregon

Sagebrush steppe south of Riley, Oregon

Sagebrush steppe (lowland) east of Riley, Oregon

Bi-Mart Stores Freightliner Argosy, COE, Truck# 355

Rangeland Fire Protection Assocation(RFPA) Hummer Brush Unit, Truck# SC-E670

Rangeland Fire Protection Assocation(RFPA) Freightliner Water Tender, Truck# SC-WT270

Day 1



Seconds away from running out of gas; Riley, OR

US-395 South - Next Gas 90 Miles

8:36pm: camping near Burns on our last night before returning home, burning the devil thorn weed


2018-07-13 20.10.14

2018-07-13 20.40.29

2018-07-13 20.41.57

2018-07-13 20.42.37