Clouds over FHL

Lone Tree in the Patchy Light

green bridge

early morning ride

Floating toilet


Road to the Mission - Junipero Serra Peak (5800')

Hunting at Fort Hunter Liggett

The River

Hunting at Fort Hunter Liggett

Hunting at Fort Hunter Liggett

Standing on San Antonio Lake south beach. Starting to understand what draught means.

California Oaks

Mt Shasta

So, last year at this time, there was 96% more water in this lake. I told my buddy, "I knew we are in a drought. But now, I'm scared."

Field & Tree & Mountain & Clouds

Lake San Antonio CA

Full moon panorama

Bald Eagle, Immature

Bald Eagle, Immature

Hunting at Fort Hunter Liggett

Hunting at Fort Hunter Liggett