Bubble Nebula Calstar 2013

California Nebula - NGC 1499 - Calstar 2012

Bubble Nebula Calstar 2013

M33 at Calstar 2012

M31 at Calstar 2012

Veil Nebula Mosaic - NGC 6992

M33 at Calstar 2012 - Annotated

California Nebula - NGC 1499 - Calstar 2012Annotated

Veil Nebula Mosaic - NGC 6992 - Annotated

M31 at Calstar 2012 - Annotated

View towards San Simeon Bay

Scopes on the Field at Calstar

Daytime Observing at Calstar

Viewing the Sun in White Light

View towards San Simeon Bay

Ha Solar Scope Activity

Lake San Antonio, CA

view of the swim course

view of the lake from above, near our campsite

Deck View Great Rm

SV4 Uncovered Late on Thursday

Standing on San Antonio Lake south beach. Starting to understand what draught means.

Lake San Antonio Sunset

Lake San Antonio sunset - stylized.

Such a nice place to race

Weekend getaway.


Lockwood tree at dawn

So, last year at this time, there was 96% more water in this lake. I told my buddy, "I knew we are in a drought. But now, I'm scared."

A beautiful day, in an eerie sort of way.

Fishing 4-24-10

Lake San Antonio CA

This Time of Year

Lake San Antonio, CA

Bald Eagle, Immature

Bald Eagle, Immature

Take the Highway

Lake Naci 2015

Fields and Oaks

Thomas Head 17

Greg Waterski's