Romero Overlook - San Luis Dam and San Luis Resevoir

San Luis Reservoir, early morning,

Day 361: Trip to San Diego

P1170526 View of San Luis Reservoir

View of the reservoir over rocks covered with moss and a great variety of colorful lichen.

roadtrip views #california

closer view of lichen-covered rocks

P1170527 View of San Luis Reservoir

in the heartland

Closer view of rock with moss and lichen.

San Luis Reservoir and its arm, divided by highway 152

View into Lone Oak Bay and down the southern arm of San Luis Reservoir.

Romero Overlook - San Luis Dam and San Luis Resevoir

Romero Overlook - San Luis Dam and San Luis Resevoir

Romero Overlook - San Luis Dam and San Luis Resevoir

Finally the reservoir is again in sight

partway down

We took a supposed short cut back,

Distant view of hills. Pinus sabiniana, GREY PINE, in foreground

P1170539 Pacheco Pass plaque, and view of parking lot

Muir Woods National Monument Road Trip

Oneill Forebay, CA

wind farm

#Christianlife #Christianliving #Godfirst #Godisgreat #Godisamazing #Godisawesome #BibleVerse #TrustHim #Inspiration #Trust #love #Bible #scripture #Faith #telltheworld #Verseoftheday #biblescripture #motivation #blessed #wordofgodspeak #wordofGod #comel

Home stretch!

San Luis Reservoir

California Aqueduct

San Luis Reservoir

Dawn of California

ranch in the misty distance

San Luis Reservoir

Picture 218

San Luis Reservoir, early morning

Tule Elk (Cervus canadensis nannodes) at Sunset, San Luis National Wildlife Refuge, California

Picture 219

O'Neill Forebay, CA

mist approaching