Sundial Bridge at Turtle Bay (II)

Shasta Dam Overlook 1533

Mt. Shasta

Mount Shasta


Interstate 5 Southbound Shasta Valley Freeway approaching 1/4 = 0.25 mile to Exit 681A - Twin View Blvd. followed by Exit 680 - State Highway Junction Route CA-299 Lake Blvd. 3/4 = 0.75 miles with this overhead sign located at

CHP - (135) Redding area N976HP

Calatrava's Sundial Bridge, Redding, California

Changed hotels. Here's the view from the room - sunset on the Sacramento River. #roadtrip #redding #california #hotel #view #Sacramento #river #instagold #instagood #instagram #igdaily #igaddicts #ipodtouch #ipod

Sundial Bridge Lightning, The Sundial Bridge, Redding, CA

Sundial Bridge at Turtle Bay

Learning to Glow

Sundial Bridge, Redding

Sunset over Sacramento River

Self Portrait - 3

View just now from the hotel room. #sunset #colorful #clouds #sky #evening #winter #redding #california #roadtrip #Creation #beauty #ipod #ipodtouch #igdaily #igaddicts #instagold #instagood #instagram

Morning View

Self Portrait - 2

Redding, CASD59MX-UP 9900

Roberts_68 Sundial Bridge


Heart of Gold (Brand Creek)

Brand Creek (Dropped)

Almost there

Brandy Creek 2

Salmon in Brandy Creek

John iPhone Oct 25 2018 2018-08-17 023

Rich Gulch Falls (Bloomed for You)

Early Bird (and fish)

Tiny Brown Mushroom's

Been a Long Time Coming

Sunrise at Simpson [03.29.13]

God is an Artist - Brandy Creek

Redding 4th of July Fireworks

171124 Black Friday gold-001J

Reap The Benefits (p)

A Path of Exploration and Learning - Turtle Bay Exploration Park - Redding, Shasta County, California

Twin Panels (p)

Beautiful Ending

Golden Ticket (Brandy Creek Falls)