Heaven Came Down

Sundial Bridge Lightning, The Sundial Bridge, Redding, CA

Self Portrait - 1

Mount Shasta

Learning to Glow

Cliff Swallow Redding 1991 7

Chiropractic First (530) 243-0889

Our Lady of Mercy Parish

Shasta and the Dam

Interstate 5 Northbound Shasta Valley Freeway - Cascade Wonderland Highway approaches at Exit 680 - State Highway Junction Route CA-299 Lake Blvd. (Exit Ramp 50 MPH - Intersection Traffic Signal Lights Ahead at this Exit Off-Ramp) followed by

Shasta Dam Overlook 1533

Sundial Bridge, Redding

Sunset over Sacramento River

Self Portrait - 3

Sundial in Blue

Self Portrait - 2

Calatrava's Sundial Bridge, Redding, California

Girl By Bridges

Whiskeytown Lake


Mt. Shasta

Structure of a Bridge

Park Lake

Almost there


There we go (Brandy Creek)

Tree silhouette

sundial sunbeams

Spring Day--DSC1065--Whiskeytown Lake, CA

Birds in the Sunset

Red Along a River

Salmon in Brandy Creek

Sunrise at Simpson [03.30.13]

Shasta Dam last night 3 miles from home... second day July 24th, two days before CarrFire

171124 Black Friday gold-001J

Whiskeytown Lake, California, USA

Delta Fire 2018

Birds Barely Awake (p)

Last Light

Reap The Benefits (p)