Mount Shasta - A Telephoto Landscape

OZ (2)

View of mom's house as I left. #theknottyknitter

Together Again

Strip [4]

Peace on the lake

Whatever it Takes

Our Lady of Mercy Parish

Bareback on Judd

Redding, CA OES Fire Engine 329 for Shasta County

Changed hotels. Here's the view from the room - sunset on the Sacramento River. #roadtrip #redding #california #hotel #view #Sacramento #river #instagold #instagood #instagram #igdaily #igaddicts #ipodtouch #ipod

Redding,CA Fire Station 3

View just now from the hotel room. #sunset #colorful #clouds #sky #evening #winter #redding #california #roadtrip #Creation #beauty #ipod #ipodtouch #igdaily #igaddicts #instagold #instagood #instagram

63/365: Redding Sun

Morning View

Redding morning

Mt. Lassen


View on the way to the recycling place

CHP Redding area

Mount Lassen

Parkville Br

Anderson Aquaduct_03

Corn field

San Francisco 2011

Looking West in Redding

Devious Pines

OZ (4)

Burney falls

Greg Hawes

Historic Hawes Farms

On the Road to Mt. Shasta

Passing storm

Anderson Aquaduct_07

A Wispy River Tale

San Francisco 2011

Spotted Spreadwing

Spotted Spreadwing

Clear Creek, near Redding

Clear Creek