"1918; Duncan Construction Company, Contractor, Marlinton, W. Va.," it says.

The "double yellow lines" portions of our ideations of "country roads" in rural West Virginia.

View of Long-Reach

Lowa Leandro, side view.

Lowa Leandro, top view.

Foggy Fly Sunrise

Cloudy Night.

Route Seven Mailpouch Barn

West Virginia ~ Friendly

West Virginia: Wetzel: Levi Morgan Statue

Foggy Fly Sunrise

Foggy Fly Sunrise

Foggy Fly Sunrise

Don't Touch That Third Wire

One of the weirdo things about the Ohio River Valley is: that there are not hordes of area residents lined up along the riverbanks, to gawk at the Ohio River, on pretty mornings such as these.

Abandoned Log House Sardis, OH

Ohio River cigarette show.

View From a Bank

Tyler County, West Virginia

Bridge and Path

The Jug

The Jug

Landing at New Martinsville IMG_3147

Ohio River and Hannibal Locks and Dam

Ohio Route 26 Fall Landscape

down below the bridge

Foggy Ohio River Sunrise

MIddle Island Creek at the Jug

Dam on the Ohio

Down Middle Island Creek

Looking Up the Creek

Mail Pouch Spring Landscape

Bales of Hay and Broken Down Barn