"1918; Duncan Construction Company, Contractor, Marlinton, W. Va.," it says.

Lowa Leandro, side view.

Route Seven Mailpouch Barn

Lowa Leandro, top view.

O the mud!

United Woolen Mills

The "double yellow lines" portions of our ideations of "country roads" in rural West Virginia.

Looking Up the Creek

MIddle Island Creek at the Jug

Down Middle Island Creek

Bales of Hay and Broken Down Barn

Water Over a Low Water Bridge

The Jug

A Low Water Bridge and a Creek

Low Water Bridge and Pool

Creek Water Over and Through a Bridge

down below the bridge

The Jug

Below the Jug

Sistersville Country Club

The Lake

Cattails and Fishing

The Ohio River Glistening in the Sun

Across a Lake

Corner of a Lake