HatPoint, OR 0867a

Also from 5-mile Point

View at 5-Mile Point

The Imhaha Gorge

Outside Imnaha, OR

zumwalt prairie. wallowa county. oregon. A rare photo of yours truly with a beautiful draft horse. photo. @chriskerksieck

Landscapes of the Imnaha!

Climbing Hat Point, outside Imnaha

Approaching Imanaha

Hat Point Rd.

This sign was also not joking. We wound up having to stop a few miles down the road because my brakes were smoking.

Climbing Hat Point

Mountains outside Imnaha

Imnaha River Valley

Imnaha River Canyon

1-10-14 Harsh Day on the Zumwalt-Imnaha Rd North of Enterprise

Imnaha River Valley

Imnaha River Valley panorama

At the edge of Hat Point Road

Imnaha River Valley

1-10-14 Cold Windy Day in the Hills North of Enterprise

At the edge of Hat Point Road

worth it

The green down in the valley is the big city of Imnaha.