HatPoint, OR 0867a

Also from 5-mile Point

View at 5-Mile Point

The Imhaha Gorge

Imnaha Canyon

Landscapes of the Imnaha!

Climbing Hat Point, outside Imnaha

Approaching Imanaha

On the road to Hells Canyon.

Outside Imnaha, OR

Hat Point Rd.

This sign was also not joking. We wound up having to stop a few miles down the road because my brakes were smoking.

Climbing Hat Point

Mountains outside Imnaha

Imnaha River Valley

Imnaha River Canyon

Imnaha River Valley

At the edge of Hat Point Road

Imnaha River Valley panorama

Imnaha River Valley

At the edge of Hat Point Road

The Imnaha River

worth it

The green down in the valley is the big city of Imnaha.