Saddle Creek Campground

Lightning strikes

Also from 5-mile Point

Wallowa Mountain View

Granny's Overlook

Granny's Overlook

Panorama view from the tower

Bench with a view

hat point lookout

the imnaha this way flows

imnaha is amazing

the gorgeousness of erosion

Tools Of The Watchman

Snake river

Imnaha River Valley

Oregon here, Idaho there

Below and beyond

South across the park

Hat Point and the Seven Devils

At the edge of Hat Point Road

The Seven Devils


Hell's Canyon at Night

Hell's canyon from Hat Point Rd

Climbing Hat Point, outside Imnaha

Oregon here, Idaho there

sunset from Hat Point Rd #1


Outside Imnaha, OR

Eastern Oregon. Go there.


This sign was not joking. We wound up having to stop a few miles down the road because my brakes were smoking.

This road

Hat Point and the Seven Devils