
Aerial view of I-5 in Chehalis

Mirror view, I-5 Southbound

Aerial view of I-5 in Chehalis

Western Wood-Pewee

Snow and rain

Governor Gregoire


IMG_6349 Northern Shrike - Lanius excubitor

The Mummy Lives!

fan view





IMG_9944 Common Ravens

IMG_9968 Western Scrub Jay - Aphelocoma californica immanis

IMG_7252 Scatter Creek Prairie

IMG_1055 Western Wood Pewee

IMG_1103 Female Brewers Blackbird

IMG_1050 Savannah Sparrow

Coldwater Lake hike

Mt. Rainier: on approach to Seattle

On break, I just had to run out the back roller door to get this. #nofilter #nojoke

Poplar Tree Plantation

Opened the back gate at work to see this.

Lovely sunset yesterday.

zoom cow

a poplar place to be

Sydney, New South Wales. Australia.

Poplar Tree Plantation, Lewis County, Washington, 2015


Our Dog Halle

Seminary Hill II

Spring time's here.

07-20-2011 Flowers in Front Yard (13) (Large)

Chehalis River

Barn and Silo, Adna, Washington, 2015


Road Closed


310 Train riding