Aerial view of I-5 in Chehalis

Governor Gregoire

IMG_2258 Red-tailed Hawk carrying Duck prey

The Mummy Lives!

View from Coast Starlight

Coast Starlight view

View from Coast Starlight

I'm on my way to Seattle stopped here for my lunch

Western Wood-Pewee

Snow and rain

IMG_1103 Female Brewers Blackbird

IMG_6349 Northern Shrike - Lanius excubitor

IMG_1096 Male Brewers Blackbird

IMG_9011 Reisinger Farms barley field




IMG_9944 Common Ravens


IMG_9968 Western Scrub Jay - Aphelocoma californica immanis


Poplar Tree Plantation

My new job

Chehalis 17

Poplar Tree Plantation, Lewis County, Washington, 2015

Chehalis-Centralia Railroad 17

mist and barn

Lovely sunset yesterday.

07.06 - Nacho Trip 07

Road Closed

a poplar place to be

Sydney, New South Wales. Australia.


Poplar Tree Plantation, Lewis County, Washington, 2015

Spring time's here.

Our Dog Halle



Barn and Silo, Adna, Washington, 2015

07-20-2011 Flowers in Front Yard (1) (Large)


Horseshoe Bend