Tenino WWTP, bioreactor tankage

Governor Gregoire


Aerial view of I-5 in Chehalis

Mirror view, I-5 Southbound

IMG_1055 Western Wood Pewee

Aerial view of I-5 in Chehalis

Western Wood-Pewee

Snow and rain


IMG_1103 Female Brewers Blackbird

IMG_1050 Savannah Sparrow

IMG_6349 Northern Shrike - Lanius excubitor

Tenino MBR Permeate Pump

IMG_1096 Male Brewers Blackbird

Fly Ball.... er.... Rock....

IMG_1022 Violet-Green Swallow

Tenino WWTP, north side view

Tenino WWTP MBR CIP System

The Mummy Lives!

fan view

Poplar Tree Plantation

Poplar Tree Plantation, Lewis County, Washington, 2015

Barn and Silo, Adna, Washington, 2015


Tenino WWTP Solids Handling Lagoon

Coldwater Lake hike

Mt. Rainier: on approach to Seattle

On break, I just had to run out the back roller door to get this. #nofilter #nojoke

Opened the back gate at work to see this.

Lovely sunset yesterday.

zoom cow

a poplar place to be

Sydney, New South Wales. Australia.


Our Dog Halle

Seminary Hill II

Spring time's here.

Chehalis River

Road Closed


310 Train riding