Snowy Egret

Black-necked Stilt

California Ground Squirrel

Marbled Godwit

Western Gull (immature)

Proficient dive bomber - Forster's Tern

Green Heron (1st summer)

Greater Yellowlegs

Barn Swallow (immature)

Forster's Tern

Forster's Tern (1st year)

Aerial view of Palo Alto Airport, Palo Alto Municipal Golf Course, the duck pond, the Baylands Nature Interpretive Center, and San Francisco Bay, Palo Alto, Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties, California.

View Upstream, Stevens Creek Reservoir

The sun settles at the shoreline

Mountain View, California // May 2013

View from the Boat Launch, Stevens Creek Reservoir

Geese (HSS)

Place of reflection

View of the Lake from the Fishing Spot near the Quarry, Stevens Creek Reservoir

View Towards the Overflow, Stevens Creek Reservoir

View towards the Quarry on a Cloudy Day, Stevens Creek Reservoir

Baylands Sunrise

Lunch hikes

Racing the sunset


Tree on a Hill

Black and blue baylands

Sunset Wood Horse

Stevens Creek Reservoir

Door of opportunities :)

Baylands Inlet

Windmills at Bryon. The landscape looks so barren without any rain. Thankfully we have some finally.

You're my blue sky, you're my sunny day

Vivid Whispers

My Sunrise Place

A Reflection at Alviso



The Road