Explosions of Light

Stop. Look. Enjoy.

IMG_1380 Let Me Feed You, Honey.

Is this the world we created...?

The best seat in the house

Bridging the gap

Canada Goose honking

IMG_1868 Forster's Tern, Mountain View Shoreline Park, CA

after the incursion

Air Force One above downtown Sunnyvale, California

Geese (HSS)

Magical Sparkles

mY first HDR

Adobe HQ

Way Point

Vanishing Point

IMG_8090 Snowy Egret, Mountain View Shoreline Park, CA

The great gig in the sky

IMG_5922 Forster's Tern Hovering, Mountain View Shoreline Park, California

Into the Sunset (Highway 101)

Evening Stroll

Green Pastors

Don Edwards Preserve, Newark California

Door of opportunities :)

Calaveras Hills

There is something about nature that makes me feel happy.

On the shores of the Island of Knowledge

Easy way down

Alviso Blue Hour

iPhoneography #84

Morning Run by Bay Trail.

~~Alviso Twilight #2~~

In which the ducks decide to move on while the pelicans stay put

The Beamer

windy Grass

Waiting for the analog sunset

Back to the future

Benign Indifference as the World Moves On

Calaveras Road

My Favorite Tree