Black-necked Stilt

California Ground Squirrel

Marbled Godwit

Western Gull (immature)

Greater Yellowlegs

Barn Swallow (immature)

Common Goldeneye (m)

Barrow's Goldeneye

Rental canoes and kayaks

Colorful twist in life

Aerial view of Palo Alto Airport, Palo Alto Municipal Golf Course, the duck pond, the Baylands Nature Interpretive Center, and San Francisco Bay, Palo Alto, Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties, California.

The sun settles at the shoreline

On A Budget in Mountain View

Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) in adult breeding plumage

Life is ours, we live it our way

Perfect view?

Who left a bunch of bananas at the shore?

Find the colors in life

A nesting pair of White-tailed Kites (Elanus leucurus), just after a mouse transfer was made by the kite on the left

Tell me more, I'm all ears

Well, how about that

Place of reflection

Geese (HSS)

Sunset Wood Horse

My Sunrise Place

Across the bridge you'll find blue water

Mission accomplished

Stop. Look. Enjoy.

The Beamer

Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge

Meditating mind under a tree

Autumn Sunrise

Before the Storm

Testing the waters

a tree or two

Time for a beer

Sunol Hills

Baylands Sunrise

Lunch hikes

Sunol Regional Wilderness

Racing the sunset