a last look at the outgoing winter season

Lady blue

stand aside

"It's strange to wander in the fog ..."

the grape harvest is finished

la passante de ...

shorter days

distant horror

ground fog

a reed shaken by the wind ...

Kissing under mistletoe - faktor 13

race: a lead of about 5m

cemetery: among equals


Ausblick vom Matterhorn Blitz

City Park Views

The Final Harvest

Gulliver’s Travels

"la grande bouffe"

misty mountains

SWEG General view on on some of the DMU's of the SWEG in Endingen im Kaiserstuhl.

Hochburg / Stronghold

Way of cross

Riegeler Lofts

The White Way

The dark door

Some lines...

height difference: 1000 meters - lost in reverie

Weideschweine / pasture pigs

Summer Hills

Cold Fire

on approach

The separation

heralds of winter

Goldener Oktober im Kaiserstuhl

Winter's Holiday

Kunst - Pause, Art Break

Chasing the sun

Baden Tuscany