Black Forest III

Wurmlinger Kapelle [Explorer 2010-10-17]

Wurmlinger Chapel rising from Early-Autumn Morning Mist [Explored 2013-09-26]

Burg Hohenzollern

beautiful winter

historic view

Again: Sunrise above Tübingen

Dew Drops as Pearls

(0064) Umrisse

Summer at the river

Rolling Hills - Landscape in Autumn

House nestled in Vineyard - Fall Nature, Germany

Winter Vineyard - Fellbach, Germany

A perfect autumn morning

magic light

Green Summer Landscape - Black Forest, Germany

Winter at Monrepos

Autumnal Vision

cloudy afternoon

resampling the misty day - > onexplore <- P1480043

A Black Forest view

Weinberge bei Stuttgart , 58-109/1511

Schwäb. Alb , Rapsfeld und Weg in den Wald , 74002/3488

Stuttgart, Weinberge rund um Rotenberg, Geometrie in Grün , 31-31/823 v

Green Traces - Part One

Swiss - German Border

Seepark - Flückigersee

Rolling Hill in the Autumn Vineyard

Morning Grass Lights

Germany , Rund um Leonberg, herbstliche Stimmung, 73194/4478

Field after Sunset

Stutgart, Weinberge am Neckarufer, 74053/3556

Der Nebel lichtet sich / The Fog's rising

Autumnal Impressions , encounter , 73219/4523

The beautiful valley of the great Nam Ou river

Knittlingen, Enzkreis, Baden-Württemberg

German Jungle

The sunny side of winter

Autumn in Germany

Schwäb.Alb - Sommerfelder , 4512

ILU- Schwäbische Alb , Scheune zwischen Feldern , 74017/3503