Extensive view

Morning Mood

a last look at the outgoing winter season

la passante de ...

Let the sun shine

Altar City Church St.Marien, Gengenbach

Gelbe Schönheit - Yellow Beauty

Kastanie - chestnut

a reed shaken by the wind ...

Pilze in der Abendsonne - Mushrooms in the evening sun

Kissing under mistletoe - faktor 13

cemetery: among equals


Ausblick vom Matterhorn Blitz

City Park Views

The Final Harvest

ailing bench - notleidende Bank II

Rote Schönheit - red Beauty

City Park Views

View from Euro Tower

View on Landeck's fields

Penetrating light

Sonnenuntergang - Sasbach 2013

Long Exposure

Schwarzwald - Black Forest - Forêt-Noire - Selva Negra

Sunny Evening

Chapel at night

Winter's Holiday

Kapelle im Schwarzwald

an unspectacular winter

trauriger Weidebaum

The Cross

Lonely Tree

3.10. Ichenheim - Rust

3.10. Ichenheim - Rust

there is no smoke without fire

Summer 2013 (Olympus OM-D | Olympus 12mm f2.0 | HDR)

#europaparkrust #halloween #germany #deutschland #griechenland

Black Forest landscape north-west of Freiburg

3.10. Ichenheim - Rust