Euro-Tower - Europa-Park (Germany)

Euro-Tower - Europa-Park (Germany)

Fairy land from Ortenberg Castle

Morning Mood

Kirnbach, Schwarwald

Kastanie - chestnut

europa park

Altar City Church St.Marien, Gengenbach

The Final Harvest


Gelbe Schönheit - Yellow Beauty

a reed shaken by the wind ...

Pilze in der Abendsonne - Mushrooms in the evening sun

cemetery: among equals

View from Ortenberg

City Park Views


view through a gate (1)

Lahr, view through the archway of the old town hall

Rote Schönheit - red Beauty

View from Ortenberg Black Forrest (2)

Bleichheim - IMG_59427

Summer 2013 (Olympus OM-D | Olympus 12mm f2.0 | HDR)

Sonnenuntergang - Sasbach 2013

A Winter Day | 2015

Golden time is coming

Schwarzwald - Black Forest - Forêt-Noire - Selva Negra


The Cross

Der Weg

Iglesia sobre la colina, Gengenbach, Selva Negra, Alemania

Kapelle im Schwarzwald

Schwarzwald - Blackwood Forrest

trauriger Weidebaum

Grass | November 2014

JakTwoo's Hipstapics

Long Exposure

winter is back
