before the spring has passed

black forest city | Nikon D90

"la grande bouffe"

The Monster Hour

Wehrle & Wehrle / Verdammt lang her...

a last look at the outgoing winter season

"It's strange to wander in the fog ..."

the grape harvest is finished

counterbalance II

la passante de ...

final golden autumn day?

at the end of the valley II

raised eyebrows

Crossing the Schwarzwald

distant horror

a reed shaken by the wind ...

Pilze in der Abendsonne - Mushrooms in the evening sun

Kissing under mistletoe - faktor 13

cemetery: among equals

missing springtime

Crossing the Schwarzwald

Riegeler Lofts

Natural colored in Freiburg, Germany

Chasing the sun

an unspectacular winter

Ground Fog

in the meadows

Baggersee Teningen-Nimburg

Hochburg / Stronghold

height difference: 1000 meters - lost in reverie

Weideschweine / pasture pigs

sun. just disappearing

on approach

heralds of winter

CNL 473 Aurora @ Kollmarsreute

Winter's Holiday

von Fall zu Fall - Schwarzwaldtour

Kapelle im Schwarzwald