Wide view of the setting Moon

Glenna Goodacre Blvd.

Aerial View, Jones AT&T Stadium East Side Expansion

Aerial View, Feb. 2010, Jones AT&T Stadium East Side Expansion

Texas Tech University at Sunset

Aerial View, Jones AT&T Stadium Expansion

Canada (parvipes) x Ross's Goose hybrid

Tornadic Storm Cloud

Aerial View, Feb. 2010, Jones AT&T Stadium East Side Expansion

Canada (parvipes) x Ross's Goose hybrid and Ross's x Cackling Goose hybrid

Canada (parvipes) x Ross's Goose hybrid

Canada (parvipes) x Ross's Goose hybrids

after Duststorm, usual view

268/365 - Raider Park

365/365 Project 365. Check.

TTU Health Sciences Center

Alley view of Sunset

Another view of the tree

Green Lubbock

296/365 Views

Guest Bed Macro

20140316-0284-National Ranching Heritage Center

Drought and Dust Storm

Christmas lights over geese and lake

Covenant Hospital over Maxey Lake

Christmas lights over geese and lake

West Texas Barn

Covenant Hospital over Maxey Lake

Covenant Hospital over Maxey Lake

Crescent Moon and PanSTARRS over a farmer working his field

Excellent Work God

Yellow Lines

At The Park

Jet Stream (phone pic)

Katie - 66 of 100

Blue Dasher

Sitting on the #roof to help with @nkn ob_94's astronomy. #bestideaever #sunset

Copulative Pair of Common Green Darners

Wind River, 2004 Bronze

Lake Sunset HDR

Getting closer...

Supplement for Day 215