Seahorse Ornament - 2

Blooming Tree - 2

Halloween at Montelongo's - 2

Ceramic Bird - 1

Ed Hardy Villain Perfume

Greyhound 6309 interior (MCI 102DL3)

My view for Christmas Eve

Halloween at Montelongo's - 3

Week 37: On The Horizon

Star Wars theme at concert - Photo 1

TTU Health Sciences Center

Day 30-365 Life Imitates Art

Sparrow's Face

Harry Potter Tree - 1

Harry Potter Tree - 2

Close Up of Chandelier

Playboy Bunny Close-Up

Ceramic Bird - 2

365/365 Project 365. Check.

268/365 - Raider Park

Valentines Tent View

Drought and Dust Storm

137/365 Facedown Tuesday VIII

West Texas Barn

Lake Sunset HDR

Crescent Moon and PanSTARRS over a farmer working his field

Wind Turbines

Orange Pivot Sunset

White-crowned Sparrow

Day 6 PanSTARRS sunset

Closeup of PanSTARRS

Comet PanSTARRS over a farmer working his field



El Paso ISD Blue Bird Visions

The Eye of Sauron

Dunbar Historical Lake

a white hub city

363/365 Big Winter Sky

Supplement for Day 215

Katie - 66 of 100

Covenant Hospital over Maxey Lake