Glenna Goodacre Blvd.

Blooming Tree - 2

Green Lubbock

Halloween at Montelongo's - 3

Halloween at Montelongo's - 2

Harry Potter Tree - 1

Day 30-365 Life Imitates Art

Playboy Bunny Close-Up

Ceramic Bird - 1

Side view finished brick

Imm. Fuertes Red-tailed Hawk?

Week 37: On The Horizon

Lubbock Downtown Sunset

268/365 - Raider Park

365/365 Project 365. Check.

Carol of Lights

Tornadic Storm Cloud

Close Up of Chandelier

Valentines Tent View

Canada (parvipes) x Ross's Goose hybrid

Mario Botta's Single Family House

Wind Turbines

Red Crossbill (Type 2) in Lubbock, TX

Cirsium ochrocentrum - Yellowspine Thistle

White-crowned Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow

Week 41: Mood


a white hub city

Covenant Hospital over Maxey Lake

20140316-0284-National Ranching Heritage Center

Citrine Forktail (Ischnura hastata)

Roseate Skimmer (Orthemis ferruginea)

Lake Sunset HDR

Supplement for Day 215

Christmas lights over geese and lake

Grass Prairie National Ranching Heritage Museum Lubbock Texas DSC_3057

Copulative Pair of Common Green Darners

Remodel Picture-003

Nokia N900 in action

137/365 Facedown Tuesday VIII

Libellula pulchella