Imm. Fuertes Red-tailed Hawk?

Seahorse Ornament - 2

Week 37: On The Horizon

Lubbock Downtown Sunset

Glenna Goodacre Blvd.

Blooming Tree - 2

Green Lubbock

Tornadic Storm Cloud

Halloween at Montelongo's - 2

TTU Health Sciences Center

Valentines Tent View

Wide view of the setting Moon

Alley view of Sunset

Canada (parvipes) x Ross's Goose hybrid

Mario Botta's Single Family House

Another view of the tree

Blooming Tree - 1

296/365 Views

Day 10-365

Guest Bed Macro

Day 12-365

Excellent Work God

Wind Turbines

a white hub city

At The Park

Red Crossbill (Type 2) in Lubbock, TX

Covenant Hospital over Maxey Lake

Jet Stream (phone pic)

20140316-0284-National Ranching Heritage Center

Cirsium ochrocentrum - Yellowspine Thistle

Roseate Skimmer (Orthemis ferruginea)

Citrine Forktail (Ischnura hastata)

White-crowned Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow

DC3 outside the Silent Wings Museum Lubbock Texas

insect etc_62

Lake Sunset HDR

Supplement for Day 215

Christmas lights over geese and lake

Copulative Pair of Common Green Darners

Grass Prairie National Ranching Heritage Museum Lubbock Texas DSC_3057

Week 41: Mood