Imm. Fuertes Red-tailed Hawk?

Seahorse Ornament - 2

Tornadic Storm Cloud

Halloween at Montelongo's - 2

Wide view of the setting Moon

Alley view of Sunset

Ceramic Bird - 1

after Duststorm, usual view

La Diosa Cellars, another view

Garden at Texas Tech

Our outside view with lights for 2012 Christmas

Week 37: On The Horizon

Lubbock Downtown Sunset

Glenna Goodacre Blvd.

Blooming Tree - 2

Green Lubbock

TTU Health Sciences Center

Valentines Tent View

Canada (parvipes) x Ross's Goose hybrid

Mario Botta's Single Family House

Another view of the tree

Wind Turbines

Red Crossbill (Type 2) in Lubbock, TX

Cirsium ochrocentrum - Yellowspine Thistle

White-crowned Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow

DC3 outside the Silent Wings Museum Lubbock Texas

insect etc_62

137/365 Facedown Tuesday VIII


Excellent Work God

a white hub city

At The Park

Covenant Hospital over Maxey Lake

Jet Stream (phone pic)

20140316-0284-National Ranching Heritage Center

Roseate Skimmer (Orthemis ferruginea)

Citrine Forktail (Ischnura hastata)

Lake Sunset HDR

Supplement for Day 215

Christmas lights over geese and lake

Copulative Pair of Common Green Darners