Week 37: On The Horizon

365/365 Project 365. Check.

Wide view of the setting Moon

296/365 Views

Libarary Hall

Side view finished brick

after Duststorm, usual view

Lubbock Downtown Sunset

Glenna Goodacre Blvd.

Pre-Columbian Art

268/365 - Raider Park

Blooming Tree - 2

Imm. Fuertes Red-tailed Hawk?

Close Up of Chandelier

Halloween at Montelongo's - 3

Halloween at Montelongo's - 2

Valentines Tent View

Another view of the tree

Mario Botta's Single Family House

Day 12-365

Our very own Pastor Tim spoke this morning at Trinity about "Living Life in the Rear-View Mirror" #sermon #futureminded #whatisevoke

Wind Turbines

a white hub city

Excellent Work God

At The Park

Covenant Hospital over Maxey Lake

Abrams Sky

Dust Storm in Lubbock

20140316-0284-National Ranching Heritage Center

Roseate Skimmer (Orthemis ferruginea)

Citrine Forktail (Ischnura hastata)

Christmas lights over geese and lake

Week 41: Mood

Grass Prairie National Ranching Heritage Museum Lubbock Texas DSC_3057

Nokia N900 in action

Remodel Picture-003

363/365 Big Winter Sky

Covenant Hospital over Maxey Lake

insect etc_62

DC3 outside the Silent Wings Museum Lubbock Texas

Lake Sunset HDR

327/365 Foggy Morning