Halford's Gro.

Decatur County, TN Courthouse - Decaturville, TN

Old docks from the Clifton Ferry

My necklace made from bismuth crystal. #iloverocks #willowingzdesigns2016 #myownstyle

Decatur County Confederate Monument

USPS - Bath Springs, TN

Feeling a little creative. #reyclingrocks #trash2treasure #alookintomyhead

#latechristmas #bestfriendever #perfectgifts

Me. Thanks Alisha. #friendsforever #latechristmas #fairywillow #kalmewillow

Color my World #momcave #hippiestyle #artist #colormyworld #gypsysoul #freeyourimagination #momsplayhouse

#firstdayofspring #spring2017 #ScandinavianMom #celticancestry #celticmums

#happythanksgivingyall #thanksgivingselfie #thanksgiving2016 #givingthanks

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Midway Cafe.

Blood work Looking good. Hopefully one week from today Alice and I will be North Carolina Road Trip bound. Watch out tar heels!

Steel Nosed Mack - HTT!

Decatur County Courthouse - Decaturville, TN

Decatur County Courthouse Bell - Decaturville, TN

The House in Scotts Hill

Arched Window

Decaturville, TN Mural