Sierra #3 engine

Doggie in the Window

Room 112

The Douglass Saloon

From inside the mouth of the downstream entrance to the Natural Bridge of Calaveras County, CA - natural27

Maharaja Class Pebble Beach 2012

1938 Hispano Suiza Dubonnet Saoutchik Xenia Coupe Rear Quarter View

Stalagtites in the open-air entrance to the Natural Bridge at Calaveras County, CA - natural16

View of the valley where the natural bridge in Calaveras County is located - natural47

A sunset in February

The aroma is definitely in the air

A sunset in February

Deadman Gulch

Best When Unexpected

Bontrager Livestrong race preparation


RV in Jamestowm

Sierra Railway Roundhouse (Panorama)

Utica Wheel

Occupational Olympics: Patterns In Architecture And Nature

View up the spiral staircase leading to the bottom of Moaning Cavern, CA - moaning16

California, New Melones Lake

Angels Camp, California

Angels Camp, California

Stormin' the Hill

Columbia, California




Three and Thirty-four



Sierra Northern Along Highway 108

New Melones Near the Parrots Ferry Bridge

Blue Gulch runoff

Ominous morning.