20150313_0805 view to Casterton

20150313_0806 view to Casterton

2013 Melbourne/Geelong Tour

2013 Melbourne/Geelong Tour

2013 Melbourne/Geelong Tour

2013 Melbourne/Geelong Tour

2013 Melbourne/Geelong Tour

20180927-IMG_1744 Moredun Hill

Here comes the rain...

Casterton. The second Presbyterian Church built in 1908. It replaced an 1865 built Presbtyerian Church. The 1908 building is now the Uniting Church.

Every Victorian Heritage Place 5: Casterton Railway Station

Every Victorian Heritage Place 4: Casterton Stock Selling Ring

20190608-IMG_3469 Casterton Kelpie Muster

20180927-IMG_1740 Moredun Hill

20180927-IMG_1742 Moredun Hill

Albion Hotel, Casterton Victoria

Old goods sheds at the former Casterton Railway Station.

Day 1 Mount Gambier - The Journey

Day 1 Mount Gambier - The Journey

Casterton station

Casterton station

Casterton station

Casterton goods shed

Casterton station

Casterton station

Casterton station and yards


Casterton Bills Horse Trough 001

Casterton Railway Station 003