20150313_0805 view to Casterton

20150313_0806 view to Casterton

2013 Melbourne/Geelong Tour

2013 Melbourne/Geelong Tour

2013 Melbourne/Geelong Tour

2013 Melbourne/Geelong Tour

2013 Melbourne/Geelong Tour

20180927-IMG_1744 Moredun Hill

Casterton. The second Presbyterian Church built in 1908. It replaced an 1865 built Presbtyerian Church. The 1908 building is now the Uniting Church.

Every Victorian Heritage Place 5: Casterton Railway Station

Every Victorian Heritage Place 4: Casterton Stock Selling Ring

20190608-IMG_3469 Casterton Kelpie Muster

20180927-IMG_1740 Moredun Hill

20180927-IMG_1742 Moredun Hill

Albion Hotel, Casterton Victoria

Old goods sheds at the former Casterton Railway Station.

20150320_1315 spreading eucalypt trees

20150320_1317 spreading eucalypt trees

20150313_0807 former Railway Station at Casterton

Day 1 Mount Gambier - The Journey

Day 1 Mount Gambier - The Journey

Casterton station

Casterton station

Casterton station

Casterton goods shed

Casterton station