heavenly trick or treat...

Natacha and Rudolph

23/365 Into the Darkness: Walking

Harry Potter Magic Duel 095/365

Anything can happen...

Heather & Duaflex II

25/365 Hearts in Hearts in Hearts

Picture of Self Portrait 34/365

Typical American Home

State Route 175 / 114th South

Mulligan's Golf Course from Airplane, 2005

Touching Down

Lark | HDR

Jesus "Oh My Father" Sculpture

Mountains and More Mountains As Far As the Eye Could See

Jordan River Temple Pre Sunset

Jesus Carrying the Cross

Jesus Christ Sculpture

old dairy barn

Heather & Duaflex II

Lone Peak

stormy sunset

Forgot this one from yesterday. I could sit here all day! #beautahful #nature #lake #sky #mountains


Draper- East

Snow covered Christmas tree with colorful lights

Sandy Balloon Festival 2013



A Glimpse of Light

Lightning storm

Sunset Over Tall Grass

Herriman Highway

#paragliders #paragliding in #utah #summer2013 Awesome morning. Sweetness!!

Mount Timpanogos from Oquirrh Lake

storm 8-1-10

Morning Waterfall

Babbling brook burbling at #thanksgivingpointgardens

Two paths converged in a yellow wood... Robert Frost

Evening Stream

From the Real Salt Lake game last night