Fields For Furrows

heavenly trick or treat...

Draper Temple at Sunset

Harry Potter Magic Duel 095/365

Mountains and More Mountains As Far As the Eye Could See

Jordan River Temple Pre Sunset

Jesus Carrying the Cross

Jesus Christ Sculpture

old dairy barn

Heather & Duaflex II

Heather & Duaflex II

Jesus and Peter

Traverse Mountain Quarries

Picture of Self Portrait 34/365

King Dancer Pose II - Natarajasana Pose

Bingham Canyon Mine, Salt Lake City, Utah

Lil Danbo, Meet Big Danbo 35/365

stock yard feed house

His Gathering

The Face of Jesus

State Route 175 / 114th South

Lightning storm

stormy sunset

Lone Peak

Rivers & Roads


Sunset Over Tall Grass


Corn & Sky

Game Stopper

Cold February Mountain

#302 Misty Mountain

Photo Sep 16, 9 41 05 AM

Herriman Highway

Forgot this one from yesterday. I could sit here all day! #beautahful #nature #lake #sky #mountains


Pieces Of My Shattered Mirror


Sandy Balloon Festival 2013

#paragliders #paragliding in #utah #summer2013 Awesome morning. Sweetness!!

Draper- East