Tower House

Harlan - Clover Fork River Bridge

Harlan, Kentucky - April 1985 #2

Harlan, Kentucky - April 1985 #1

Rollin' In

Stray Dog 2

Fixer Upper



A Piece of Lee


Circle of Faith

East End Auto

We couldn't help but stop this morning and admire the view of the mountains.

Tobacco Field

Bailey Robbins

A Place in the Sun

Rolling Hills

Purcell Falls

Martins Fork Lake Panorama

Martins Fork Lake Panorama

What We Do For a Photo

Through the Woods

The afternoon is heavy on your shoulders

Great Stone Face

Friendship Farm

Morning Light On The Powell

Walmart -- #1743 Harlan, KY

Fifty miles of elbow room

Cranks Creek Dam -- Harlan County, Kentucky

I was feeling a little artistic tonight.

Lee County Virginia Sunrise

Cranks Creek Lake

Harlan County, KY

Big Clouds

Martin's Fork Lake -- Harlan, KY