Manzanar - "Soul Consoling Tower"

Bighorn Sheep on Abert Rim

Abert Rim & Lake Abert

Motel at Night

Eastern Sierras at Twilight

the road, original flavor

The Corner of Cedar and Roberts

Washington and Virginia Suburbs (False Color Satellite View)

Margie's Merry-Go-Round

Abert Lake, Oregon

林風眠作五裸女圖 vs. 畢加索作亞威農少女 Five Naked Ladies by Lin Fengmian vs. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon by Pablo Picasso

Image from page 395 of "St. Nicholas [serial]" (1873)

Image from page 9 of "The World almanac and encyclopedia" (1915)

Waldorf-Astoria Hotel

Lunt-Fontanne Theater

Eastern Sierra - Mono Lake Panorama - The Green Sea Day

Hart Lake, adjacent to the Warner Wetlands ACEC

Conway Summit Area of Critical Environmental Concern

Conway Summit Area of Critical Environmental Concern

Hart Lake, adjacent to the Warner Wetlands ACEC

Grant Lake Reflecting Autumn Colors

Sleighs on Main Street

Aspen Reflections

Fall Color

Done for the Day

Early Morning in the Eastern Sierras

Yellow & Green

Pink Sierra

Old Marina Mono Lake eastern California 110925-080917 C4

Early Morning Overlooking Mono Lake

Wesley House (Series - Eden, Florida State Park)

Homage to Ansel Adams

Autumn View from Grant Lake

High Mountain Lake

Abert Rim

After the Storm at North Lake

Fall Color at North Lake

Fall at Lundy Lake

California - Yosemite National Park