On the Platform in Remer
North Country Trail near Whipholt, Mn
Dock at dusk
#theriver #blue
Female Red-winged Blackbird
Just some pretty clover
Yellow Skirts
Luther Dell
#icefishin #grandpa
#eglandreunion2015 #memories #wherehasthetimegone #ggh
#eglandreunion2015 Zane and me!
Summer Fun Time!
#eglandreunion2015 the first of many photos. Love this kid so much!
Happy Memorial Day everyone.
Harrison's photo that he sent me tonight while fishing with grandpa. He sent it to me with a caption of "isn't this cool" why yes 11 yr old son. This is amazing! Love your creative eyes so much! #loveseeinglifethruyoureyes #cantwaittoseewhatyoucapturene
#skatingfun Lena, john, harry and charley
Lena and Holden
All other nights likely to be worse than this one
During rain, men may sometimes place their faith in dubious systems
Taking a nap outside and cloud hunting
Big winner! $1.00