"Schoolcraft State Park" Minnesota
The Peaceful Mississippi
Amid the Pines
#theriver #blue
Deer Lake, Minnesota
Golden Reeds
#eglandreunion2015 #memories #wherehasthetimegone #ggh
#eglandreunion2015 Zane and me!
Summer Fun Time!
#eglandreunion2015 the first of many photos. Love this kid so much!
Sweet. #motel #motelsign #neon #Minnesota #signs #sign #rustbelt #roadtrip
Happy Memorial Day everyone.
Harrison's photo that he sent me tonight while fishing with grandpa. He sent it to me with a caption of "isn't this cool" why yes 11 yr old son. This is amazing! Love your creative eyes so much! #loveseeinglifethruyoureyes #cantwaittoseewhatyoucapturene
Deer River
on the tracks
#skatingfun Lena, john, harry and charley
Lena and Holden
#icefishin #grandpa
Lt. Gov. candidate Tina Smith visits Northern Minnesota; focuses on forest and logging industry
Deer River, MN