Jesus sacrificed himself to himself to save the world from … himself?

Raceday Practice

Raceday Practice

Raceday Practice

Raceday Practice

New 45 Northbound

Raceday Practice

Raceday Practice

Raceday Practice

Raceday Practice

Raceday Practice

{tagged in a new way} Part of me becoming a better person is letting go of my black and white world view and embracing shades of grey

Raceday Practice

Raceday Practice

Raceday Practice

Raceday Practice

Raceday Practice

Raceday Practice

Raceday Practice

Raceday Practice

Raceday Practice

Sunrise with snow

The falls at Sugar Loaf Lake

Midland, Arkansas

Falls at Sugar Loaf Lake

Future Rock Cut?

The Old Barn