Bridal Veil Falls (Kagawong, ON) [21/52]
Manitoulin Island - Canada-5
Manitoulin Island - Canada-4
#GoreBay #HarbourCentre #Saturday #News and #Views #JackWhyte #Scrapbook #Party #MarthaGallagher #Prose #Versicles #KateThompson #Museum
bridal veil falls, kagawong, manitoulin island, ontario
#Willow View out the #window from said #chair where there is always a #fresh #breeze with #Canadian #Yacht #Charters in the #foreground and #ominous #pagoda lurking in the #background with Café on the Bay and a view to #dine for #upstairs and #Manitoulin
08-09-09 (5)
#Sierra this is your #spice #captain #speaking... #Time for a #handsome #selfie... now back to regularly scheduled #gallery viewing... #acrylic #canvas #paint #glasses #cap #startrek #redshirt #ginger #pride #red #beard #barbra #rosa
South Benjamin Harbor
Here is the view from said #chair with an assortment of paintings spanning my father's over 55 year career as a #professional #artist including #oil and #acrylic on #board from the #naughties acrylic on #canvas from the #seventies #photograph #books and e
Excerpt from Leaving Your Loved Ones In The Rear View Mirror, an invaluable eBook not just for RVers, but anyone who is learning how to let go. #InstaPinTwit
201405301321004 Lot View from Lake Kagawong
Bridal Veil Falls
bridal veil falls, manitoulin island, ontario
bridal veil falls, kagawong, manitoulin island, ontario
#Purvis #Fishing #Boat returning to #GoreBay with the days catch!
Busy day in the tiny port of #GoreBay !
bridal veil falls, kagawong, manitoulin island, ontario
#Setting #Sun of the #Blue |Hour #GoreBay
Bridal Veil Falls (Feb 2012)
#TrueStory The first time I used this joke it caused brain spasms in a level 789 #GrammarNazi
#Extraordinary light from the bluff tonight
bridal veil falls, manitoulin island, ontario
bridal veil falls, kagawong, manitoulin island, ontario
sunset Bay of Benjamins
#Inkwell looking back south into the foot of the bay. There are a lot of legends about how Gore Bay got its name. Original ~IT~ wa known as "Barren Hill", but looks like we've done a little bit of growing since then!
Bridal Veil Falls
bridal veil falls, kagawong, manitoulin island, ontario
201306011217265 Crevasse behind wood pile - Manitoulin Island
Bridal Veil Falls 02
201405281644006 Ednie's Bay Inlet - Manitoulin Island