20171019144041019 Lake Kagawong VIew from Food Tent - Manitoulin Island

Lake views

20171019143937010 View towards Outhouse - Manitoulin Island

Sunrise on Mindemoya

Typical view of a Virginia Rail

Lake Huron Cold

Big Lake Sunset

DSC03374 (Large)

Shoreside Sunset

DSC03462 (Large)

providence bay boardwalk


From the Big Canoe

Swing so hard.

Big Lake morning

201405281644006 Ednie's Bay Inlet - Manitoulin Island

Bohemian Waxwings

providence bay boardwalk

Melospiza melodia (Song Sparrow)

201405251934038 Snow Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum) white flowers - Manitoulin Island

201210191326059 Fall Colors - Lake Kagawong Shoreline

Melospiza melodia (Song Sparrow)

Providence Bay 2

Limenitis archippus (Viceroy Butterfly)

201810111643014 Lake Kagawong