White-winged Scoters at Sandy River Reservoir, Prince Edward County, VA (1.13.15)

From the Bus

Love this view #pineforest #country

Fox Sparrow in the Mud (2.19.15)

vertical view of lake from cabin 4

Fox Sparrow (back) with White-throated Sparrows at Sandy River Reservoir, Prince Edward County, VA (2.18.15)

horizontal view of lake from cabin 4

Sailor's Creek Battlefield State Park

Spotted Sandpiper at Sandy River Reservoir, Prince Edward Co., VA (3.14.15)

American Coot (left) & Ruddy Duck (center) with Pied-billed Grebes (2.18.15)


View from the garden

View from Hillman House

View from Hillsman House

Fox Sparrow at Sandy River Reservoir, Prince Edward County, VA (2.19.15)

My view for the next several hours

Crewe Railroad Museum

Country Evening

Front view - no door yet


Up Namozine Road. #clouds #sky


Grandpa Johnie built his place in a bend in the road

Rolling Clouds (3.16.15)


Down by the pond

Winter On The Battlefield

Spraying weeds - a long way to go


Grandpa Johnnie's house and the chickenhouse



Down by the pond

Sailors Cr Battlefield- Amelia Co VA 1993 c

Front moving through

Road through the hills...

Lockett Farm